Rebuilt Organ

This small instrument was built for the Temple Zion of Jerusalem congregation in Appleton in 1907. Subsequent use of the synagogue as a church and museum kept the organ in public view until 1990. The Outagamie County Historical Society arranged for the sale of the instrument to Lawrence University in 1996.

In addition to the two new stops, the bellows and feeders were releathered, and a modern, silent blower installed. The instrument can still be pumped by hand, as was done on its inaugural recital. Wahl Organbuilders painted the new facade stenciling which was patterned after a Hutchings design.

The instrument is placed in the balcony of the Lawrence Memorial Chapel, directly underneath the tower of the building.  The 1247 seat auditorium also boasts a modern, eclectic instrument on the stage in front, allowing the rare opportunity to perform works for two organs and choir.

The organ is now ready for its second century in a teaching environment where even more people can hear these historic sounds. Wahl Organbuilders is proud to have played a part in keeping this fine instrument available to the Appleton community.

Lawrence Memorial Chapel

Appleton, Wisconsin

1907 Felgemaker Organ

Original location:
Temple Zion
Appleton, Wisconsin

8 Open Diapason
8 Melodia
8 Dulciana
4 Octave
2 Fifteenth*
Swell to Great

8 Violin Diapason
8 Stopped Diapason

8 Salicional
4 Harmonic Flute
8 Trumpet*

16 Subbass
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal

* added 1999