Organ Recordings

Augustana Lutheran Church

of Hyde Park (Chicago)


Rhonda Sider Edgington performed a

Inaugural Recital on 20 April 2012 of the

Morris J. Niedenthal Memorial Organ

John Seboldt made the live recording.


Daniel Schwandt performed a

Festival Evening Prayer service on

14 November 2011John Seboldt

made the live recording.


Two-stop Practice Organ

Yun Kyong Kim recorded these

selections on the Monroe, Ohio

Wahl two-stop practice organ. 

Michael Hughes made the recording.

This recording is of one of twelve

instruments of similar construction

built by Wahl Organbuilders.



If your laptop or computer speakers

do not reproduce the recording's low

frequencies, please contact Wahl

Organbuilders for a CD copy of these tracks.